CCT Data Center 010-151 Dumps is the Cisco 010-151 DCTECH exam material for launching your career in cybersecurity operations.
leads4pass 010-151 Dumps Prepares Candidates for Cisco DCTECH Exam Questions and Answers helps you earn the Cisco CCT Data Center Exam Certification.
Cisco technology is spread all over the world. This means that CCT Data Center-certified professionals will continue to be sought after, as long as you ensure that you can successfully achieve the CCT Data Center 010-151 certification. Use the CCT Data Center 010-151 dumps to guarantee your success with the Cisco CCT Data Center exam certification.
CCT Data Center exam FAQs: About, Value, Exam Material
About 010-151 DCTECH: What You Need to Know
Vendor: Cisco
Exam Code: 010-151
Exam Name: Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices (DCTECH)
Certification: CCT Data Center
Languages: English
Price: $125 USD
Duration: 90 mins
Number of Questions: 65-75 questions
Passing score: 80% Approx
010-151 dumps (PDF and VCE): (CCT Data Center exam dumps maps to Cisco 010-151 DCTECH exam objectives)
010-151 dumps (Number of Questions): 136 Q&A
Last update time: Sep 28, 2022
Is CCT Data Center certification worth it?
Yes, the Cisco CCT Data Center certification is mostly worth it, but only for IT technicians and data center personnel with very little experience or no experience at all. Maybe you just started your first data center job — the CCT Data Center cert is definitely worth it. But if you’ve got a bit of data center experience already, you can skip it and just move on to the CCNA or even the CCNP Data Center.
Free share of a portion of the CCT Data Center 010-151 DCTECH exam material
Number of exam questions | Exam name | From | Release time |
15 | Supporting Cisco Data Center System Devices | leads4pass | Oct 08, 2022 |
New Question 1:
Which method is a TCP/IP-based protocol for establishing and managing connections between IP-based storage devices, hosts, and clients?
Correct Answer: C
New Question 2:
Which method does FCIP use to enable connectivity of geographically distributed Fibre Channel SANs over IP?
A. routing
B. tunneling
C. handshaking
D. transporting
Correct Answer: B
New Question 3:
Which fiber optic cable type is used most often with a Subscriber connector?
A. dual-mode
B. single-mode
C. straight-mode
D. multi-mode
E. subscriber-mode
Correct Answer: B
New Question 4:
Which three statements about FCoE are true? (Choose three.)
A. Allows Fibre Channel and Ethernet networks to share a single, integrated infrastructure.
B. Encapsulates Fibre Channel frames into Ethernet frames, which allows them to run alongside traditional IP traffic.
C. Increases capital costs due to the difficulty to manage.
D. Consolidates I/O traffic in the data center.
Correct Answer: ABD
New Question 5:
Which cable is used to access the command-line interface of a Cisco UCS 6120XP Fabric Interconnects?
A. KVM cable
B. console cable
C. Ethernet cable
D. SFP+ Ethernet transceiver cable
Correct Answer: B
New Question 6:
Where do you find the model number of a Cisco MDS 9200 Series chassis?
A. on the top front of the chassis next to the serial number
B. on the bottom front of the chassis next to the Cisco logo
C. on the top front of the chassis next to the Cisco logo
D. on the bottom front of the chassis next to the serial number
Correct Answer: C
New Question 7:
How do you find the serial number of a Cisco UCS 5108 Blade Server chassis?
A. Use the Cisco UCS Admin.
B. Use the Cisco UCS Application.
C. Use the Cisco UCS Assistant.
D. Use the Cisco UCS Manager.
Correct Answer: D
New Question 8:
What does the system status LED look like when an over temperature or major alarm occurs on the Cisco UCS 6120XP Fabric Interconnect?
A. Amber
B. Red
C. Blinking amber
D. Blinking red
Correct Answer: C
New Question 9:
Which two major components does a Cisco Nexus 1000V Series Switch have? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual Fiber Channel Module
B. Virtual Ethernet Module
C. Virtual Supervisor Module
D. Virtual Memory Controller Module
E. Virtual Network Module
Correct Answer: BC
New Question 10:
Which Cisco Nexus 5000 Series model supports 1/10G BASE-T ports?
A. Cisco Nexus 5548P
B. Cisco Nexus 5548UP
C. Cisco Nexus 5596UP
D. Cisco Nexus 5596T
Correct Answer: D
New Question 11:
Which Cisco MDS model supports the most Fibre Channel ports per chassis?
A. MDS 9513
B. MDS 9509
C. MDS 9506
D. MDS 9250i
Correct Answer: A
New Question 12:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which Cisco MDS chassis supports the 48-Port 16-Gbps Fibre Channel Switching Module?
A. MDS 9509
B. MDS 9513
C. MDS 9710
D. MDS 9506
Correct Answer: C
New Question 13:
Which supervisor module is supported by a Cisco Nexus 7700 Series Switch?
A. first-generation supervisor module
B. second-generation supervisor module (Sup2)
C. second-generation supervisor enhanced module (Sup2E)
D. third-generation supervisor enhanced module (Sup3E)
Correct Answer: C
New Question 14:
Which type of optics module is supported by a 12-port 100 GE Cisco Nexus 7700 F3 Series I/O module?
Correct Answer: A
New Question 15:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which call-out accurately shows the currently running version of the Cisco UCS Manager management software?
A. A – UCS Manager running version 1.4(1m)
B. B – IO Module 1 running version 1.4(1m)
C. C – Interface Card 1 running version 1.4(1m)
D. D – Kernel running version 4.2(1)N(1.4m)
Correct Answer: A
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